Thursday 28 December 2017

Computer Network

What is the computer network?

Today, I would like to share about what topic that I learn in this semester.First topic is Internet Technology and the subtopic is the computer network.

For your information,computer network is  the collection of computer and devices connected together via communication device and transmission media.

Here is the example of the computer network

The other subtopic that I have learn is about transmission media and communication device.

So,what is the communication device and transmisson media?

  • Communication device  is any type of hardware capable of transmitting data,instructions,and information between a sending device and a receiving device.
  • Transmission media is materials or substances capable of carrying one or more signals in a communication channel.

Guided media

Unguided media

Example of communication devices

Types of communication devices:

  • A connection device similar to a hub but more sophisticated,including functionality that allows it to control and manage data transmissions.

Wireless Access Point

  • Allows computers and devices to transfer data wirelessly  among themselves or to transfer data wirelessly to a wired network

Network Card
  • Enables a computer or device that does not have built-in networking capability to access a network.


     A connection device that allows multiple connections to the network.

So,that is the some example of the communication devices that I have learnt.

There is  two types of the transmission media which is :
  • Guided media
  • Unguided media

·         Twisted pair cable
·         Coaxial cable
·         Fiber-optic cable
·         Infrared
·         Broadcast radio
·         Cellular radio
·         Microwave
·         Communication satellite

Advantages and disadvantages of network

Advantages of network
Disadvantages of network
·         Easy communication and speed
-          People can communicate efficiently by using a network such as emails,instant messaging, telephony,etc
·         Security threats
-          There are hackers who are trying to steal valuable data of large companies for their own benefit

·         Security
-          Sensitive files and programs on a network can be password protected and can only be accessed by the authorized users.

·         Expensive to build
-          Building a network for large scale organization are very pricey especially to buy and replace cables and other hardware.
·         Ability to share files,data and information
-          It can benefit large organizations to maintain their data in an organized manner access for desired people
·         Bandwidth issues
-          Heavy users who consume a lot more bandwidth will affect other users.

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