Thursday 25 January 2018

World Wide Web

Today I would like to share about the World Wide Web
The World Wide Web, a service of the Internet
The Internet was developed in the late 1960s

The World Wide Web emerged in the early 1990s

 First , I want to share about the Web Browser

The purpose of a web browser is to bring information resources to the user.
With an Internet connection established, you start a Web browser.
The browser retrieves and displays a starting Web page.

Second, I want to share about Web Address.

        A website address, also known as a URL (uniform resource locator), is an Internet or intranet name that points to to a location where a file, directory or website page is hosted. Website addresses can represent the home page of a web site, a script, image, photo, movie or other file made available on a server for viewing, processing or download. They can also be embedded into the code of web pages in the form of hyperlinks to direct the user to other locations on the Internet.

Transfer Protocol
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
A set of rules that defines how pages transfer on the Internet
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
A protocol to provide an encrypted communication and secure identification of a network web server
Often used for payment transactions on www.

File Transfer Protocol
The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to transfer computer files from one host to another host over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet. 

Then, I would like to share about the Web Page Navigation

Surfing the web
The activity of using links to explore the web
A link
Can be text or an image.
Text links
May be underlined and/or displayed in a color different from other text on the page
The color of the link will change once the link has been visited.
  • Web Pages Navigation has two types;
  • Hypertext
  • Links in text-based documents

  • Hypermedia
  • Combines text-based links with graphic, audio and video links

Tab Browsing

Most current web browsers support tabbed browsing
Tabbed browsing allows you to open and view multiple Web pages in a single Web browser

Web Searching

A primary reason that people use the Web is to search for specific information, including text, pictures, music and video.
The first step in successful searching is to identify the main idea or concept in the topic about which   you are seeking information

Search Tools
Two types of search tools;
Search engine
Finds information related to a specific topic

Subject directory
Classifies Web pages in an organized set of categories

What is hit?
Any Web site name that is listed as the result of a search

 Okay! That's all for today,before I left there is some quotes,

Okay, done!!

The Internet Address

What is IP address?
Ø  A number that uniquely identifies each computer or device connected to the Internet.
Ø  IP addresses are also referred to as IP numbers and Internet addresses.

Ø  IP address sometimes is called a dotted decimal number or dotted quad.
and how about IP structure?
Ø  IP addresses usually consists of four groups of number each separated by a period.
Ø  The number in each group is between 0 and 255.
Ø  It is 32 bit long ,each group is 8 bits long
Ø  Commonly written in decimal.
Ø  Written, for example,
ØThese four sections represent the machine itself and the network it is on
ØThe network portion is assigned.
ØThe host section is determined by the network administrator 

There are 2 versions of Internet Protocol are in use;
  • IP V4
  • IP V6

  • IPv4 
  • an address consists of 32 bits which limits the address space to 4294967296 (232) possible unique addresses.

  • IPv6
  • The address size was increased from 32 to 128 bits or 16 octets.
  • Provides the potential for a maximum of 2128, or about 3.403×1038 unique addresses.

Domain name and IP address
  • People prefer to use easy-to-remember names instead of IP addresses
  • Domain names (a part of the URL) are alphanumeric names for IP addresses.
  • The domain name system (DNS) is an Internet-wide distributed database that translates
         between domain names and  IP addresses
How important is DNS?
  Imagine what happens when the local DNS server is down.
Domain name

The text version of an IP address

First portion of each IP address identifies the network
Last portion identifies the specific computer.
Domain Name System
 IP address and domain name allocation requires central administration to avoid duplication 
 Previously administered by U.S. government contract (NSI)
 In 1998, technical coordination assigned to ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers).
ICANN is the official organization that coordinates domain names on the World Wide Web. ICANN is also responsible for approving or denying new domain extensions.

Top-level domains(TLDs)
The first-level set of domain names are the top-level domains (TLDs).
Three types of top-level domains:
Organizational: 3-character code indicates the function of the organization
Used primarily within the US
Examples: gov, mil, edu, org, com, net
Geographical: 2-character country or region code
Examples: us, va, jp, de
Reverse domains: A special domain ( used for IP address-to-name mapping

There are more than 200 top-level domains.

Generic Top-level domains (GTLD)
A generic top-level domain (gTLD) is one of the categories of top-level domains (TLDs) maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) for use in the Domain Name System of the Internet.

Internet Service Provider

Internet Service Provider (ISP)

A company that provides Internet connections and services to individuals and organizations.

Access Provider
A business that provides individuals and organizations access to the Internet for free or for a fee

Examples of ISP in Malaysia

Products : Streamyx , UniFi, TM Hotspot
ISP : Time
Product : Time Fibre Home Broadband, Time Broadband
ISP: Packet One Network
Products : P1
ISP : YTL Communications
Product : YES

Types of the Internet Connection


Hello guys!!
Today is mostly cloudy day! so like usual, I have continue do my assignment.
Today I want share about types of internet connection.

There are two types of internet connection.



DIAL UP CONNECTION in divided into two types;

  • Conventional Dial Up
  • ISDN ( Integrated Service Digital Network )

CONVENTIONAL DIAL-UP is (to connect to the Internet, your computer dials its modem and connects to a modem attached to a computer belonging to your ISP.)

  •                     PC has to dial via a phone line to connect
  •                     Characteristics of Conventional dial-up:
  •                       * Slower, but cheaper
  •                       * Ties up phone lines
  •                       * Relatively secure from hackers
  • *                       Example :-  TMNet
There are disadvantages and advantages of conventional dial up


          Security : (since your are not continually connected to the Internet, it is much less likely the hackers will gain access to your computer via Internet)
          Include inexpensive hardware
          Ease of setup and use
          Availability: provides the user with the convenience of using his account.

          Slow connection speed (max of 56Kbps)
          Inconvenience (having to instruct your PC to dial up your ISP every time you want to check your email or view a website )
          Telephone line will be tied up while accessing the Internet

ISDN ( Integrated Service Digital Network) 

  •        also transfer data over ordinary telephone lines
  •        Typically uses two phone lines to transfer data
  •        ISDN requires a special ISDN modem
  •        Characteristics of ISDN:
  •      * Faster, but pricey
  •      * Doesn’t tie up phone line
  •      * Used by businesses and individuals



(always on connections)
  •          *Many home and small business users connect to the Internet via high-speed broadband    Internet service
  •           *PC is continually connected to the Internet
  •           *Direct connections are typically broadband
  •           *Used in the home and office
  •        *Because you are always connected, it is important to protect your computer from hackers

There are seven types of Direct Connection

  • Wifi
  • Cellular radio network
  • Cable internet service
  • Satellite internet service
  • Fixed wireless
  • DSL
  • Fiber to the  premises( FTTP)

  • *Broadband delivered over telephone lines
  • *Must be less than 3 miles from a switching station
  • *Transmits over telephone lines but does not tie up the line
  • *Fast, direct Internet access via standard telephone line

  •  Data is transmitted through radio waves
  • Public wireless networks
  • Both free and fee-based are available
  • Currently Wi-Fi for short range, but WiMAX may soon be an option

       Wifi Hotspot
  •       Wifi hotspot are places that provide a user with free or paid internet service.
  •,airport,hotel,hostel offices or other public buildings.

 Wifi Hotspot

        Cellular radio network
  •        *Also known as Mobile wireless
  •        *Access via mobile phone or device
  •     *Offers high-speed Internet connections to devices with built-in compatible technology or   computers with wireless modems.
  •       *Example provider:- Celcom, Maxis, DiGi

 Cable Internet service
  • *  Cable modem: Most widely used home broadband connection
  •       Provides high-speed Internet access through    the cable television network via a cable modem
 Satellite Internet service
  •        Broadband option for rural areas
  •       More expensive than cable or DSL
  •    Available in many areas other broadband options are not
  •       Provides high-speed Internet connections via satellite.
  •       A satellite dish communicates with a satellite modem.
Fixed wireless
  •         *Uses radio transmission towers rather than satellites
  •         *Not available in all areas
  •         *Expected to use WiMAX
  •        *Provides high-speed Internet connections using a dish-shaped antenna to communicate via radio signals

  •        *Also known as Broadband over Fiber (BoF)
  • *       *Delivers over fiber-optic cabling all the way to the building
  •       *Available in limited areas
  •       *Fast but expensive
  •      *Uses fiber-optic cable
  •      *Provide high-speed Internet access to house and business users.

There is the advantages and disadvantages of broadband


·          You don't need to dial an access number and risk getting a busy signal.
·          Broadband internet offers unlimited access and you won't be charged based on the connection duration.
·          Broadband internet not only gives you high speed internet access, it can also provide cheap phone services via VoIP technology.

          High monthly fee compared to dialup internet access.
          Higher security risk than dial up connection.  A personal firewall is needed to protect your computer.
          Not all phone wires are equipped for DSL service.  May not be available in rural or remote areas.

s    Differences between Dial Up and Direct connection

Dial-up connection
Slow, maximum speed  is 56 kbps
Faster, can go up to several megabytes per second
 Less equipment compare to Broadband
More than dialup connection, change based on different broadband technology and speed
e.g Fiber Optic cable,
Dial-up can be accessed anywhere via a telephone line.
Broadband availability has become more and more widespread over the last few years in particular. satellite Internet is always an option for more rural areas that haven't been expanded to yet.

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